Mindlessly scrolling on Twitter I saw a tweet by you that I liked and then I looked at your profile, read this blog and showed it to my son who studies history and English. We live in Belgium but he is very interested in American history. We both appreciate this article very much.

May the Lord bless you for drawing attention to the lives and graves of these slaves.

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Thanks, Evie! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

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Our lives are about the lives we influence, not about ourselves.

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You said the point was the unvisited graves, ok. Did you read the article and understand that he kept on slaves who were not needed, rather than sell them off to some other master?

In those days every house was heated by wood fires, even the slave quarters. I sincerely doubt the sign claimed slaves were burned in the feeding of the stoves and fireplaces. The degree to which you suggested Washington had no compassion on his slaves, was your option. He set apart a burial ground for them which shows he treated them differently than dead livestock.

Had you stayed on the point of your writeup you probably wouldn't have heard from me, because I too wonder at the dissappearance of my knowledge when I pass. Having answers to questions nobody asks you is a blessing of abundant life, to be replayed in eternity, to the glory of God. See you there?

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I do hope to see you there, Bill.

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Amy, You missed a few details and the opportunity to be more truthful. Washington was far removed from the Simon Legree like characterization you promote in the fueling of the hot room.

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This article was not intended to be a thoroughgoing analysis of Washington’s views on slavery. If it had been, I would have discussed the evolution of his views. The point was to focus on the graves as an example of unvisited tombs. Like all humans, Washington was complicated. He did good things and bad things. I do not excuse him simply because he was somewhat better than other slave owners, nor do I condemn all he is and seek his cancellation. He is worth being celebrated for the good he did, even as his flaws remind us that we all are flawed, and therefore all ought to be humble.

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