It wasn't until I was a 20-year-old Christian that someone sat me down and made sure I knew my faith didn't culminate in a ticket to heaven when I die, but nothing less than Christ's restoration of all things. All things! It changed my life, of course. (Thank you, Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs). The paradigm shift was at first a hurdle for me, and as I go forward as a self-proclaimed member of the Eschatology Brigade, I have seen that it's a hurdle for many Christ followers; so many of our hymns and sayings leave out the resurrection. How much moreso those to whom Christ's cross is foolishness. I tried to describe to a friendly apostate, post-election, why I wasn't too flapped about how things turned out, but to no avail. Thank you for this thorough treatment.

Also, this:

“I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamozov

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Thanks for sharing! And for the quote from the greatest theological novel of all time.

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It is a towering work. I'd put Les Miserables up there close as well.

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The other greatest theological novel of all time.

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Very nice. The sum and substance of Christianity is, 'If in this life only we have hope, then we are of all men most miserable.' I have seen posts on a lot of what you read, I was curious what you think of George MacDonald's thoughts on resurrection, particularly the 'good death' in something like Lilith or At the Back of the North Wind.

My own thoughts are well summed up in https://comfortwithtruth.substack.com/p/the-children-get-up-and-reign-anotherhtml

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I must confess my ignorance. I know “of” MacDonald but have not engaged with him much directly. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Amy, I rejoice with in the hope of the Resurrection, that God is indeed making all things new. During the most formative fifteen years of my life, I listened nearly every Sunday to an obscure pastor whose theology was entirely orthodox but did not fit neatly into any of the denominational boxes. He preached exegetically, verse by verse, through entire books of the Bible, except on special Sundays, i.e. Christmas and Easter. He loved preaching on the wonder of the Incarnation at Christmas, but he said that Easter should be the more important holiday, because the Resurrection was culmination of all our hope as Christians. So I too rejoice in the hope of the Resurrection and the coming of the New Heavens and Earth, and I found your verses an encouragement when I saw them on Substack.

But I also know how the hope of Resurrection has been twisted by abusers of humankind. During ten of my most formative years - so I while was learning from that that dear elderly pastor - I was a student in Gothard's ATI homeschooling program. One of Gothard's wickedest teachings was that, because they would die and be replaced one day, our bodies were less important than our soul and spirit. ATI actually printed material for abuse victims that actually stated that the abuser had only harmed the body, the least important part of us. It took a long time for me to disentangle how the Christian hope of Resurrection does not lessen the value of our bodies, but rather increases it. I now realize those who use the future promise of Eternal Life to justify committing or minimizing evil in this life are reanimating the old heresy of Gnosticism, subtly claiming the material world is less good than the spiritual world. Now I more clearly see that the warfare our defeated spiritual enemy wages against us is committed in the physical world - that the deliberate violence and abuse humans commit towards other humans is a manifestation of the hatred of Hell towards the precious human body, which was created in the image of God.

So while I look to the ultimate righting of wrongs in the Resurrection, I also groan in present agony with my human brothers and sisters and cry for justice for those who are oppressed. Jesus healed suffering human bodies while he was on earth, and drove the oppressors, using a whip on them, out of his Father's house, the Temple. I am Canadian, but my heart sank when I heard the U.S. election results. I was thinking of the Ukrainians and all the other countries that now stand in greater danger of oppressive and evil men because a braggart and bully who boasts of his own vile abuse of others' bodies and who openly admires oppressors has been elected to lead the wealthiest nation on earth - and many who call themselves Christians supported him wholeheartededly. I do trust in the Lord, and I know that God uses the weak things of the world to confound the mighty, and things that are not to bring to naught things that are. But I also know that the Body of Christ in the Church is being abused by wolves, and that Christ's anger still burns at those who abuse the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is, as Paul said, the human body.

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I completely understand where you are coming from and share your concerns. You are absolutely correct to label that teaching of Gothard’s “Gnostic.” Sadly, Gnosticism is alive and well in modern America. The Christian doctrine of resurrection increases the dignity of the body, as you have said. When I speak of resurrection, restoration, and reconciliation, I speak of the ending of evil regimes of oppression and justice for all. That is biblical.

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Resurrection is certainly a promise and a gift. I think I as a human have trouble thinking about how the world will be so much better and more beautiful after the Resurrection and all is set to right. When I am in the mires of hopelessness, I’m not energetic enough to remember that one day I will be resurrected and everything that troubles me now will vanish. It is a beautiful hope but sometimes can be tiring to maintain; we know now when it will happen. All the same, I thank God for it.

Beautiful post. :) 🤍

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Thank you, Mariella!

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You are odd but only because biblical illiteracy is rampant in today’s world. Many Christian’s get their theology from devotional, podcasts, commentators, and even politicians, but these “truths” are rarely ever Gods truth.

The doctrine of suffering and its beauty in Gods purpose is all but lost in today’s world. That is why so many who claim the name of Christ exhaust themselves trying to fight persecution while the saints of old counted it an honor to suffer for Christ. Pete tells us we share in Christs suffering when we suffer (1 Peter 4:13). How amazing is that?

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Good point.

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Amy, I'm a new reader to Sub-Creations, and what a magnificent first essay to read from you! This is a marvelous reflection on both the political and cosmic significance of the Resurrection. Our hope is in a kingdom not of this world, though it is *for* this world. We trust in a God who is making all things new, and whatever travails we suffer now will be but a fleeting moment in the story God is telling. Thank you for your wisdom in this turbulent time. I will be writing an essay in a few weeks over at Plato For The Masses that will be something of a companion piece to yours. I'll make sure to send it your way on the chat to see what you think. Blessings friend, and keep writing! Sincerely, a fellow probably middle-ager

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Yes, do send me the link! I would love to read and discuss. Thanks for visiting Sub-Creations and for the encouraging feedback.

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Good stuff. I may quote you this coming Sunday. You should still be coming to Chicago tomorrow!!!

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I have yet to develop the ability to be in two places at once, more’s the pity.

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That’s the part that makes all hell howl and unbelievers gnash their teeth in protest. May our Merciful Father open the eyes of all the not yet damned and save their sorry souls like he once did ours! 🙏🏻✝️❤️

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No Christian should be unsettled by so small a thing as an election. It is God who raises up kings, and overthrows them. All will be well.

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Lament and grief are legitimate for the Christian, but not without hope. And we should take care not to place our ultimate confidence in anything earthly.

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