It has come to my attention that people do not usually know about a thing until someone informs them of its existence. Moreover, those who purchase goods for sale are inherently distrustful and will not take the seller’s word as fact. My, my! What the human race is coming to!
Therefore, with the release date of my book Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation coming up soon (specifically, November 26, which is tomorrow), I must perform the obligatory task of begging you to assist with marketing. We must engage in this strange dance where you are forced to endure the boredom of reading this article while I am crushed beneath the wheel of embarrassment, my weaknesses and vulnerabilities exposed. I have sold copies of my book to all my near relations and the few friends I have managed to procure, but the publisher believes sales in excess of ten copies would be helpful for their bottom line.
So, here we are. I will explain how you can help get the word out about Broken Bonds, and three of you will make it to the end of the article without flipping to the latest bitter post-election lamentation.
Step One: Buy the Book
Given that selling books is my goal, I would be doing myself a disfavor if I did not begin with this admonition. The book comes in three forms—hardcover, paperback, and digital—all of which can be purchased at or by simply searching for the book on I do not offer a money back guarantee. (See previous discussion about buyers inherently distrusting sellers!) I do, however, offer the promise of an utterly strange experience that will cost less than that utterly strange experience the proctologist if offering you.
Step Two: Rate and Review the Book
We twenty-first century people have been conditioned to channel our cynicism through the form of online reviews. Everyone knows the best time to post a review is when you absolutely hate something, but the unhappy job of the author is to suggest that readers post reviews even when they don’t hate the book in question. I will split the difference by simply requesting honest ratings and reviews, however positive or negative. I trust you will reward me appropriately for this degree of magnanimity. The two best places to post reviews are Amazon and Goodreads, the former a corporate hegemon, the latter a refuge for people more literate than myself.
Step Three: Share about the Book on Social Media
Surely the circle of hell Dante thought too horrific to mention, social media is nevertheless a powerful tool for reaching niche audiences, and let’s face it: Broken Bonds is pretty niche. Several literary agents assured me of the fact. So do log on to Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Threads, BlueSky, or whatever app you prefer and mention that you are reading Broken Bonds. (It’s hard to believe any of my readers make extensive use of TikTok, but if that’s you, then you do you.) Posts with photos tend to be particularly eye-catching, and you can always tag me—that is, if you are prepared to join yourself to my notoriety for the rest of your days. You may also wish to share an article or podcast about the book.
Step Four: Tell Friends about the Book
This is surely the biggest ask of all. Even in the year 2024, there are some members of the reading public who are not on social media. I am therefore asking you to brave the dangers of an in-person conversation and share your thoughts about my novel. I know, I know. It would be less torturous to simply purchase an extra copy of the book yourself. But I will never reach the Luddites without this assistance, and Luddites tend to be fond of books. So, step up and take one for the team. You will survive the awkwardness.
I offer my eternal gratitude to the three of you who have made it to this point. Great is your reward in book heaven. And on a more serious note, if you do read the book, I would love to hear your reaction to it. You can post in the comments here or hit me up on social media. I’m the only Amy Mantravadi in the world, so a search for my name should yield a good result.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for any and all assistance you are able to provide. I realize these are big asks, and I would not make them if customers had not developed this annoying habit of requiring an outside opinion before making purchasing decisions.
I was on the Old Books with Grace podcast to discuss my new work, Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation. (Perhaps you’ve heard of it?) You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.
I was also on the Mere Fidelity podcast for reasons known only to God, talking about the same topic but with more references to Thomistic theories of emotion. You can listen here, or you can choose not to listen and annoy all the right people.
Book bought! Excited to dig in!